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Acknowledge their expertise. Be open to the fresh ideas and new approaches that a younger manager may bring to the job. "One of the problems that many boomers experience is that in their perception, the younger boss does not want to listen to their experiences and take account of their expertise," says Linda Gravett, a psychologist and coauthor of Bridging the Generation Gap: How to Get Radio Babies, Boomers, Gen-Xers, and Gen-Yers to Work Together and Achieve More. "The younger person has their own education and expertise and they don't want to be parented by someone."
承认他们有才 接受年轻经理在工作上的新想法与方法。“很多年长的上班族遇到的问题是,在他们自己看来,年轻的老板们并不想听他们的经验,也不拿他们的本领当回事,”心理学家琳达格拉维特说道。“年轻人有自己的教育背景和才能,他们不想被人‘呵护’。”琳达是《消除代沟:如何让不同年龄段的人一起高效工作》一书的作者。

与年轻上司相处的7个诀窍 第2张

Use electronic communication. A younger manager might prefer to interact with you via instant messenger, text message, or E-mail rather than face to face or on the phone. "Talk about your preferred method of communicating," says Rosemary Haefner, the vice president of human resources at CareerBuilder. Make sure you log on to instant messenger every day and keep your cellphone, BlackBerry, or smart phone on to stay in the loop.
尝试电子化交流方式 年轻的经理可能更愿意与你用即时通讯,短信或者邮件交流,而不是面对面或者打电话。凯业必达人力资源副总裁罗斯玛丽海纳夫的建议是:保证你每天都登陆你的即时通讯工具,保证你的手机,智能(黑莓)与非智能的, 一直开机,关键时刻都能找到你。

与年轻上司相处的7个诀窍 第3张

Don't expect too much face time. The number of hours you log at the office is generally less important to younger managers than the results you produce. "A boomer might say that work ethic means you are in the office half an hour before your start time and work through lunch, but a generation X or Y manager says that telecommuting allows you to miss the rush hour and get some more work done," says Gravett. "They are looking for results and productivity as opposed to face time in the office." Be prepared for webinars and teleconferences and fewer in-person meetings.
别期待有太多见面交流的时间 对年轻老板来说,他们更看重你的工作成果,而不是你在他的办公室里待了几个小时。格拉维特说:“年长的上班族可能会说,职业道德就是早半个小时到办公室,中午废寝忘食地加班。而一个60后或者80后的经理会说远程办公可以让你错开高峰期,干更多的活。他们要的是效率和结果,而不是办公室的面谈。准备好电话或者网络会议吧。

与年轻上司相处的7个诀窍 第4张

Point out your results. Keep your boss up to date with your progress toward meeting goals. "Ask questions when you are not sure, deliver on time, and try to overachieve," says Haefner. Tally your accomplishments, and make your boss aware of them on a regular basis. Instead of chatting about your decades of experience, talk about expectations you have exceeded over the past month or six months.
汇报你的成果 时刻向你的老板汇报你会议目标的实现情况。“不确定时就问,努力按时或者提前完成任务,”海纳夫说。记录你的工作成果,并不时让你的老板知道你的努力。把你多年的经验之谈先放到一边,多谈谈你在过去的一个月或者半年里是怎么超额完成任务的吧。

与年轻上司相处的7个诀窍 第5张

Act your age. Avoid comparing a younger manager to your adult children or talking about what you were doing at their age. "The last thing the boss wants to hear is 'you remind me of my son,' " says Gravett. Conversely, you don't need to prove yourself hip to 30-somethings. "It is not appropriate to try to act younger than your age, dress younger, or try to disguise yourself as a younger individual in order to fit in," says Cam Marston, president of Generational Insight and author of Motivating the "What's in It for Me?" Workforce: Manage Across the Generational Divide and Increase Profits. "It comes across as silly."
做与年龄相符的事儿 避免将老板与你已成年的孩子作对比,或者夸夸其谈在他这个年龄你正在做什么。格拉维特说:“老板最不想听到的一句话就是‘你让我想起了我的儿子。’” 你不需要非搞得像30岁的样子。卡姆 马斯顿说。“刻意表现得比实际年龄年轻是不好的,比如穿得年轻,或者为了年轻而掩饰自己。”马斯顿著有《如何激励‘我能得到什么’一族: 战胜代沟 提高利润》一书。

与年轻上司相处的7个诀窍 第6张

Update your skills. When a manager introduces a new workflow system, take advantage of retraining opportunities. Think of it as a way to get paid while you learn new software programs and keep your skills up to date. Becoming proficient with the latest technology is key to staying employed in a difficult job market.
更新你的技能 经理要实行新的工作流程,请抓住再培训的机会。当你学会操作新的软件程序,技能得到提升,把这当成另外一种加薪吧。熟练掌握最新的技术是在当前残酷就业市场生存的法宝。

与年轻上司相处的7个诀窍 第7张

Don't compete. According to the CareerBuilder survey, some employees complain that their younger bosses act as if they know more than older workers when they don't (15 percent) or didn't earn their position (12 percent). But it's best not to openly compete with a younger supervisor or belittle him or her because of age. "Don't come across as being a know-it-all just because you have been around for a while," says Gravett. "Of course you know quite a bit, but that doesn't mean you know it all."
少作比较 凯业必达调查显示,有15%的上班族抱怨他们的年轻老板觉得自己比年长员工知道更多,但其实并不是。有12%的人觉得年轻老板并非靠技能获得该职位。格拉维特说:“千万不要以为自己资格老点就认为自己什么都知道,你是知道不少,但并不意味着你真的全知道。”最好别与年轻主管公开竞争或仅仅因为年龄就贬低他/她。



