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China has welcomed Donald Trump’s statement that he would be “honoured” to meet Kim Jong Un under the right circumstances, amid soaring tensions over Pyongyang’s nuclear ambitions.

在朝鲜核野心引发紧张局势升级的背景下,中国欢迎美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)有关他在适当情况下将很“荣幸”会晤金正恩(Kim Jong Un)的声明。

The US president’s comments contrast with his hardline stance on the North Korean leader, as well as Friday’s call from Rex Tillerson, US secretary of state, for the UN to impose “painful sanctions” on Pyongyang to deter its nuclear programme. A weekend ballistic missile test prompted Mr Trump to declare that North Korea had “disrespected” Beijing.

与美国总统此言形成反差的是,他对朝鲜领导人采取了强硬立场,就在上周五,美国国务卿雷克斯·蒂勒森(Rex Tillerson)呼吁联合国对平壤施加“痛苦的制裁”,以阻止其核武计划。朝鲜在上周末再度试射弹道导弹,促使特朗普宣告朝鲜“不尊重”北京。

Beijing yesterday called on the two countries to “meet each other halfway”. Geng Shuang, foreign ministry spokesman, reiterated China’s position that “the only practical and feasible way to realise the de-nuclearisation of the peninsula is to solve the issue through dialogue, negotiations and in peaceful ways”.


Mr Trump told Bloomberg on Monday: “If it would be appropriate for me to meet with him, I would absolutely, I would be honoured to do it. Most political people would never say that, but I’m telling you under the right circumstances I would meet with him.” Mr Trump described Mr Kim as a “pretty smart cookie” to CBS the previous day.


Mr Trump did not stipulate his conditions but since taking charge in 2011, Mr Kim has neither met a foreign leader nor left his country. Mr Trump would be unlikely to visit North Korea and has previously said he would invite Mr Kim to the US, though not for a state dinner.


North Korea has quickly become Mr Trump’s most pressing foreign policy issue. His predecessor, Barack Obama, who also said during his 2008 election campaign that he would be prepared to meet Mr Kim, warned Mr Trump of the North Korean threat during their handover talks.

朝鲜已迅速成为特朗普最紧迫的外交政策问题。他的前任、在2008年竞选期间表示将愿意会晤朝鲜领导人的巴拉克·奥巴马(Barack Obama),曾在交接谈话时就朝鲜的威胁向特朗普发出警告。

Tensions between Washington and Pyongyang, which have no diplomatic relations, are regularly heightened at this Time of year as North Korea celebrates several patriotic anniversaries and the US conducts military exercises in the area. In recent weeks, however, the simmering animosity has threatened to escalate into conflict.


Yesterday, US forces in South Korea put into operation a missile shield that has irked both Pyongyang and Beijing, and threatens to undermine the US alliance with Seoul. From Beijing, Mr Geng urged the two countries to “halt the process immediately”.


Mr Trump sparked an unusual backlash in the South Korean capital last week when he said he would demand $1bn from Seoul for the deployment, which is widely believed to enhance US strategic interests in the region.


Concerns about the US president in South Korea were already high after Mr Trump raised the prospect of unilateral military strikes on North Korea, telling the Financial Times that if China will not intervene to stem its neighbour’s nuclear ambitions, then “we will”.


Pyongyang has accused the US of “intimidation and blackmail”. Western experts believe North Korea is rapidly developing intercontinental ballistic missiles that may one day be capable of delivering a nuclear warhead as far as the US.



The US president has often delighted in making overtures to strongman rulers, whether extending friendship to Russia’s Vladimir Putin, inviting Philippines leader Rodrigo Duterte to visit or, during his campaign last year, saying he would like to eat a hamburger with North Korea’s supreme leader.

现任美国总统常常乐于向强势统治者伸出橄榄枝,无论是向俄罗斯的弗拉基米尔·普京(Vladimir Putin)展示友谊,邀请菲律宾领导人罗德里戈·杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)访问白宫,还是——就像他在去年竞选期间曾经说的那样——和朝鲜最高领导人一起吃汉堡。

Observers struggled to determine whether Mr Trump’s comments were a throwaway remark, a serious attempt to defuse dangerous tensions or something in between.


Jenny Town of the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University, said that while North Korea “tends to be better behaved when in a negotiation versus when they’re not”, Mr Trump’s suggestion of a meeting was unlikely to reduce tensions. “I don’t even think it was a productive approach,” she said, arguing for greater consistency from the US. “In the usual call-and-response [in US-North Korea relations] this year, the X factor has been Trump rhetoric feeding in and being more threatening.”

约翰霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)美韩研究所(US-Korea Institute)的珍妮?汤(Jenny Town)表示,尽管朝鲜“在谈判期往往比没有谈判的时候更守规矩”,但特朗普的会晤之说不太可能缓解紧张局势。“我甚至不认为这是一种有成效的做法,”她表示,她主张美国政府应当增强政策的连贯性。“在今年(美朝关系中)惯常的喊话与回应中,一个未知因素是特朗普冒出的、越来越吓人的言论。”


